Member Profiles

This page provides personal information about our members. All the information here has been provided by members voluntarily, and will be changed and/or removed upon their request.

If you want your profile included here, e-mail the information you wish to share to You can share whatever personal information you want, such as photographs, geographical location, a short bio, work, family, URL to your homepage and weblog, etcetera.

Bryon Daly
I'm 34, a software engineer, married with three kids, and live in the Boston area.

(Profile last updated: May 29, 2003)

Most of my reading time is on the commute to work, but I also read the newspaper and several magazines. I only read about 15 books a year. (I'm married and have two daughters, 3.5 and two weeks shy of 1.) I'm always looking for recommendations.

I live outside of Seattle, Washington. I'm a computer programmer for a retailer. I cannot remember when I read my first Brin, but it was the Postman and it was awhile back. I've been reading SF for as long as I can remember. Started in elementary school with the Star Trek books by Blish and that led to others (Heinlein, etc.) A little over half the books I read are SF. The rest are mystery (Any other Steven Saylor fans?) and history.

(Profile last updated: May 28, 2003)

Jeroen van Baardwijk
I'm 37 year old IT Support Engineer, married, one deceased daughter, one son, hobbies include reading (SF, Fantasy, and Shakespeare) and computers -- especially FPS, Strategy and Simulation games. Between work, family, running this list, building websites and reading the occasional book (I think I read maybe four or five books per year), I'm also studying for my CompSci degree.

All in all, I have so much to do, a day ought to be 48 hours long instead of just 24. :-)

I've been reading science fiction since childhood; don't remember which book was the first. There are some vague memories about Julian May and a series in which the main character was called Tom Swift, but those memories really are very, very vague. The first Brin book I read was _Sundiver_ back in 1993 or 1994, my favourite Brin book so far (haven't read them all yet) is _Glory Season_.

(Profile last updated: February 5, 2005)

Joe Karpierz
I'm Joe Karpierz, and I live in Geneva, Illinois, which is about 45 miles west of Chicago. I work for Lucent Technologies, developing call processing software for mobile telephone systems for the international market. In a prior life at Lucent/AT&T, I did the same kind of work for landlines (the ones in your house) - my claim to fame is that I was one of a gazillion people who worked on Caller ID. Specifically, I worked on the Calling Name portion. So you can blame me for that if you like.

I've been reading Brin for a very long time, possibly since Startide Rising came out.

(Profile last updated: May 28, 2003)

John Scobie
I'm an 18-year-old and live in Adelaide (south central Australia, for those with little geography). I've always been a big reader of SF and fantasy - but due to my busy life, the range of authors I've read is tragically narrow. Right now, I'm beginning my first year at university, studying nanoscience with an eye toward biological scenarios and applications.

I picked up my first Brin (Infinity's Shore) by accident in 2000, and since then have read every one of his books that has been released in Oz (if I like something, I *really* like it!). In addition to Brin, I especially enjoy the work of Iain M Banks, Ursula LeGuin, Alastair Reynolds, Kim Stanley Robinson, and (rather guiltily!) Peter F Hamilton.

Lately, I've started writing some science fiction of my own - my aim is to make a space opera that manages not to be astoundingly cliche! It's been published at - the URL is - if you're interested, check it out and tell me what you think!

Like all teenage boys, I also spend a lot of time playing video games; RPGs, strategy, racing, adventure and shooters: you name it, I'll play it!

My musical tastes are mostly classical (Beethoven and Bach especially) - I also play the piano (poorly) and am learning how to sing.

On top of all this, I'm a martial artist (I achieved my 'Shodan-ho' or probationary black belt at the end of 2003) with the Golden Knights style and am considering becoming an instructor.

(Profile last updated: February 9, 2005)

Kevin Anderson
Science is my profession, specifically chemistry. I pass my time by reading, playing video games (usually puzzles and RPGs, and rarely anything very recent), and sometimes by bicycling.

(Profile last updated: February 6, 2005)

Martin Malmkvist
My name is Martin Malmkvist and I live in Denmark. I'm 23 years (please don't refer to me as "kid", "kiddo", "sport" or the like ; ) of age and am currently educating myself within the field of electronics. I'm no specialist of any sort, so you'll have to work out technical specifics with other members, if the debates should drift that way :P Also, if you native English or American speaking people should happen to spot any elaborate faulty linguistics, don't hesitate to point that out. I'm always willing to learn.

(Profile last updated: May 27, 2003)

Reggie Bautista
My name is Reggie Bautista. I live in Kansas City where I work as a Technology Analyst for Hallmark Cards, which is a fancy way of saying that I do tech support over the phone for the pc-based networked cash registers at Hallmark stores in the US and Canada. I studied music composition with an electronic music emphasis at the University of Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC), where I met my wife. I'll be 34 in about a month.

The first Brin novel that I read was _Startide Rising_ which I originally picked up because I was going through a phase where I was obsessed with dolphins and whales. _Startide_ and _Earth_ (which I'm currently re-reading) are my two favorite Brin novels. I recently finished _Darwin's Radio_, and am a big fan of Greg Bear (_Blood Music_ is my favorite from him, and if you haven't read it, what are you waiting for? ;-). I haven't read a lot of Benford, but what I've read has been pretty good.

Other sci fi authors that I like a lot include Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein (who grew up in Kansas City), Larry Niven (anything written before about 1983 or so), Kathleen Ann Goonan (_Queen City Jazz_ is a masterpiece), Orson Scott Card, Greg Keyes and Anne McCaffrey.

Other than sci fi and science and technology in general, I'm interested in just about any kind of music you can name, philosophy, movies (not just sci fi), art (John LeFarge is a particular favorite, although not necessarily representative of the kind of stuff I normally like), role-playing games, computer games, rollercoasters, anime (_Vampire Hunter D_ good, _Dragon Ball Z_ bad) , and almost anything written by Joss Whedon (_Buffy_, _Angel_, etc.) or Joe Straczynski (_B5_, _Jeremiah_, _Midnight Nation_, etc).

My wife and I have a cat named Peasblossom (named after one of the fairies in _Midsummer Night's Dream_), two guinnea pigs (Duncan and Liam), one regular hamster (Gingerbread Cinnamon Muad-Dib, Ginger for short), two black dwarf hamsters (Puck and Gimli), and will soon have a hedgehog. We also have a friend who rents a room, and that friend has a dog named Agony (Aggie or Gonie for short).

(Profile last updated: May 29, 2003)